Can a Black Box ever be Green??

Zanshuri Group design and manufacture outstandingly efficient, state-of-the-art Personal Computers – and now are becoming well known for the export of equipment for data centres around the world, the largest being in Lagos, Nigeria.


However, when ‘Made in the UK’ is such a novelty and the performance and efficiency of these products show such promise and competitive lead over the mainstream – they immediately become an even more attractive proposition!

Although assembled from components that are generally available, Zanshuri’s PCs are designed to offer performance that is greater than the sum of the parts – and are completely capable of outshining devices from the established manufacturers.

The ventilation and cooling techniques that are designed into the devices ensure that even the humblest product in Zanshuri’s range operates economically and completely silently – there is no need for sound-generating fans – an immediate dividend from these highly efficient system.

And when independently measured against the most efficient devices from mainstream competitors, Zanshuri’s products consumed, under load, the same equivalent energy as the others at idle.

With customer-specified solid state memory storage of over 3Tb and power consumption (at around 14 watts) being so low, Zanshuri Eco-PCs offer an attractive alternative for environmentally-aware customers looking to source competitive PCs from a UK manufacturer.

The figures speak for themselves…. System energy cost per month


Number of computers







System X






System Y












What’s in a logo

The branding of a company is the first base for any marketing activity. In a snapshot, it represents the ethos and direction that a company wishes to portray.

It should epitomise the values and appeal of the company, as well as representing its strengths and confidence.

Zanshuri’s values can be summed up: Strong, Confident, Efficient, Technical, ‘Green’, Different.

And Environmentally Aware.

There should be strength and confidence in the typeface, as well as an element of ‘green-ness’.

The black and green colouration is suggested, as:
a) It is different to the ubiquitous blue of IBM (Big, Blue), Dell & HP, and
b) It reinforces Zanshuri’s main sales point – the efficiency and eco-friendliness of the products.

If you are interested to learn more, contact Chib Nwokonkor founder of Zanshuri, visit and ‘green up’ your IT Department – and contact Equinox Partners to kick start your company’s marketing campaign.


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